Monday, January 3, 2022


Editorial review

Pay by mobile, park easier in France, Switzerland and Belgium! With PayByPhone, you can pay, extend and stop your parking remotely in a simple, practical and secure way. The app even sends you an alert before your parking is over. The parking meter is in your pocket, your freedom. The advantages of PayByPhone: No need to run to the parking meter or return to your vehicle after a few hours; you pay and adjust your parking time remotely (whether you are at the office, at the doctor's, at the restaurant, or even on vacation in another city!) and your ticket is fully paperless (agents control your virtual ticket from their smartphones ). No coins on you? No problem ! Payments are made directly by credit card from the app and in complete security. Stop thinking about your parking lot: the app sends you an alert (push and / or sms) just before it expires, so no more forgetting! Pay in seconds and save time! Your license plate and bank card are saved in the app. Once parked, you just have to choose the duration and you're good to go. Is your meeting going longer than expected, Extend your remote parking! Have you finished shopping and still have some parking time left? Stop it to pay the fairest. Take advantage of the free codes set up by some cities.