Thursday, January 20, 2022

Alarmy - Routine Alarm clock

Alarmy - Routine Alarm clock


Editorial review

Make your own Successful Morning with Alarmy! Successful Morning starts from waking up completely and reducing wasted time lying on the bed, which can achieved by Alarmy's powerful features below. Successful Morning by getting out of bed: Photo Mission - Take a photo of the registered place to dismiss your alarm. ex. Register the shower booth so that you can take a shower right after turning the alarm off. Barcode Mission - Scan the barcode or QR code you registered to turn the alarm off. ex.Register the book so that you can start reading a book right after turning the alarm off. Squat Mission - Take 10~20 rounds of squats to turn the alarm off. ex. Start morning exercises like push-up or sit-up right after turning the alarm off. Step Mission - Take 30~50 steps to turn the alarm off. ex. Start getting ready to go work after turning the alarm off. Shake Mission - Shake your phone up to 999 times to dismiss your alarm.